Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today was Dustin's 9 year old well visit and Emmett's 2 month check up at the doctors office. Emmett of course had to get his shots which went well until he woke up from napping later on in the day and screamed for a solid hour. :'( I cried too! Dustin had to get his finger poked for iron check and urinalysis which he explains in the video lol
The video was Dustin's idea. We had 6 takes and this is the one he chose to post. It's pretty entertaining! Enjoy!
Oh also, Emmett now weighs 15lbs 13oz and is 23in long (average for 2 months is 10 or 11lbs). He's a monster! Seriously his growth pattern is off the charts! As soon as he starts walking the boy is getting sumo lessons! lmao

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Please Smile!

This is a sad attempt at trying to make Emmett smile for the camera. Plus, I'm not very good at the whole recording thing so the quality is not good and Arron would no doubt make fun of me if he saw this!! But enjoy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sorry the quality of these pictures aren't the best as they were uploaded from my phone, but this is basically all Emmett has done for the last 2-3days. The poor guy has his first cold and can hardly breath. I feel so bad for him! He eats, sleeps, coughs, snorts, cries a little and then falls back asleep again. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Despite my best efforts to keep the babies thumbs out of his mouth, Emmett is a thumb-sucker. I replace his thumb with a binky about a hundred times a day and yet there it is back in his mouth every time I turn around! So I'm afraid this is one battle I am sure to lose... I just hope he doesn't end up sucking his thumbs until he's 10!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Emmett's Family

From top: Dustin and Emmett, Grandma White, Arron Dustin and Emmett, Uncle Patrick, Granny Carnahan, Uncle Jayson, Granny Miller, and Grandpa Casey

Hopefully we will have a video of Emmett up soon!
Love and Kisses,
Arron, Karla and Dustin

Here are the most recent pictures we have of Emmett

The one on the top is Emmett in the Jeep that Granny and Cathy got for him. He can't touch the floor with his feet yet but he likes it. The bottom picture was taken on Sunday 02/07/09. He didn't do to well in the cold so I only had him outside for a few minutes.

Emmett 12/22/09

Emmett Michael Carnahan born 12/22/2009 at 12:22pm
9lbs. 10 oz. 20 in.
Place of Birth Dunlap Community Hospital
To Karla Brown, Arron Carnahan and big brother Dustin