Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's been too long!

I can't believe I have neglected our blog for so long. Apologizes to family and friends who are checking here for updates. Life has really gotten away from us lately. If only we had some free time every now and then! ha
The boys are all doing very well. Dustin is almost done with fifth grade and has all A's. We are looking forward to another amazing soccer season with him. I think his first games start in another week (maybe two).
Emmett is... well... Emmett! He is ornery as all get out and the sweetest little man in the world. I was starting to get really worried about him not learning any words and not being able to pronounce them but then as soon as I made an appointment for a speech eval, he started talking like crazy. Of course! He can now pretty much repeat anything you say, if he wants to, and is speaking much clearer than ever before.  He is also starting to become quite the picky eater. Odd, I know, but we are definitely working on getting him out of this phase very quickly!
Glenn, our littlest munchkin is just as sweet as pie.  He does sleep through the night now, which is phenominal. The last video I posted here shows him right as he was learning walk. Well now he is running! He is keeping up with Emmett very well these days. The two of them are playing and interacting like never before. As a parent it is so heartwarming to watch them.  They love to play rockets together and pretend to blast off. Glenn is also talking pretty well. He says thank you, welcome, mom, dad, Dustin, cat, yes, no, juice, bath, bye, not nice (of course he learned that one really quick because I'm saying it to either he or Emmett every five minutes haha), and many others.  So I've rounded up a few pictures here to catch everyone up on their growth over the past few months. Enjoy!!

New bunk beds

Playing in the sand in February

Park time

Glenn's obsession with brushing his teeth (I hope this lasts)

Family trip to the Akron Zoo

Glenn pushing Emmett in the stroller


Outdoor lunch with hotdogs cooked by Dustin on the fire

I have no words to describe this...