A lot has been going on around here lately. Emmett is now talking a lot and he seems to learn a new word every day. So far he knows how to say ball, apple, yes, no, cat ,dog, mom, dad, Glenn, Dustin, hot, hi, up, baby, cow, and today he said "ella" for elephant. He knows what sounds the cow, cat, dog, pig, duck, chicken and sheep make. He also knows the sign for "more," "milk," "all done" and "hungry." We are working on please and thank you but no such luck so far lol!
Glenn went to the doctor yesterday for his two month well baby visit (two weeks late). He weighs 17 pounds and is 25 inches long now. He is on the same growth chart that Emmett was at this age, which is off the charts lol! We are good at making BIG boys! He is starting to sit up on his own and really enjoys tummy time. He also likes to "talk" a lot. His coo's are so adorable. He is also quite the smiler. He is such a happy baby. If he's not eating or sleeping he is smiling and talking!
Dustin is taking he standard achievement tests this week which will hopefully place him in the accelerated classes for middle school next year. He doesn't usually need to study for tests and exams but he sure did a lot of studying this weekend and last night to be prepared for these tests. He loves his accelerated class this year and wants so bad to continue in it next school year. So we are keeping our fingers crossed for him today!
I am SOOOO proud of our boys!! What a happy, healthy, smart bunch they are.
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