Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMETT!!! Its been such a wonderful and fast year!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here are some pictures of Emmett waking up from a nap with very crazy hair. His hair gets longer by the minutes and its starting to become a very distinct mullet. lol Everyone we see asks if I am going to cut it and my respond, "hell no!!" I love his crazy hair, curls, mullet and all! lol I always wanted curly hair and well this is the next best thing so we may end up with a boy that has longer hair than I do. ha ha
Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Emmett's first thanksgiving was a success!! The boy LOVES to eat so of course he had a great time. lol
Besides the food, Grandma White handed out christmas present early this year and got Emmett and Dustin matching footie sleepers. We also got a visit from my good friend Abigail and her son Desmond. They were born about two weeks apart so its always fun when she is in town from Atlanta and we can get the boys together to play. The last time they saw each other all they could do is lay in place and stare at each other lol! This time it was much more interesting. They played piano together and I'm pretty sure Emmett wanted to eat Desmond's face off....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Here are some of Emmett's early attempts at walking!! It doesn't look pretty lol but we are so proud of him!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is what spaghetti dinner night typically looks like! lol He is quite a big eater, often out eating his big brother, so I can't complain but he is VERY messy!

I should also mention that Emmett has taken his first steps. He has been walking with the assistance of toys, walls, furniture and everything else possible for a long time now but he has finally braved it on his own without holding on to anything. Its very cute as he doesn't quite take forward steps; he does a sort of side step, very funny! I haven't caught this event on camera yet but I will post pictures as soon as I do.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

This year for halloween Dustin dressed up as a knight in shining armor and Emmett was the dragon. Unfortunately, when we shot this video Dustin had already run off to retrieve a ton of candy with his friends so you can't see them together. It was a great day, a little cold but otherwise we had fun. Check out facebook for more pictures of the boys together. This video is Emmett crawling around and playing in the leaves. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well its official... Emmett has is first black eye. :(
Ok so its not black but it is red and a little purple and there is definitely a cut there. How sad? He fell and hit he face on the corner of our entertainment center. Of course I immediately over-reacted and wanted to take him to the ER but luckily daddy held it together. In fact, I think Arron it quite proud of him, like he gained a badge of honor or something! lol
Oh and please don't mind the food bit and drool all over his shirt, he just finished breakfast. lol

Friday, September 24, 2010

Here are a few pictures of us at the Cuyahoga County fairgrounds a few weeks ago. They had oktoberfest family day going on so we went and checked it out. Mostly it was boring as you can see Dustin was our entertainment. He put on a one man show! lol Oh and we did get to see a wiener dog race!! lol

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In this video you get to witness "music time." I use that term loosely because basically its Arron, Dustin and Emmett all grabbing an instrument and making as much noise as possible. They love it, though. Emmett's fav is the keyboard (it makes the most noise! lol) Enjoy!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This is what happens when daddy tries to dress the baby, the outfit goes on backwards! lol
Notice the breast pocket in the back haha
Emmett wasn't too happy about having to be changed twice.
Although daddy thinks its hilarious! lol

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This is a video of the newest communication skill Emmett has learned. Now he knows how to say dad, and dog and he can wave "bye bye" and shake his head to mean "no." Enjoy!
Emmett's favorite place to be for last couple weeks. Fun for him, not so fun for mom ;)
This is what happens when you let a baby do his own hair (using applesauce as hair gel)!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Since my last post Emmett has been very busy working on trying to walk. He will probably be taking his first steps in a matter of weeks. He can now pull himself up onto just about anything (especially everyones legs lol) and he can crawl on all fours like a monkey, among other amazing things! He hasn't gained a pound in over 2 months so I guess he has finally stopped getting fatter! ha ha He can say a few variations of dad such as, dad, dada and daddy but still no mom yet. He also has said "baby" and "dog" but not with any frequency. Unfortunately it seems as though our poor little Emmett will be having food problems for a while. So far he has had a severe reactions to peanuts, a minor reaction to green beans and most recently he had a minor reaction to either eggs or formula (not sure which since we introduced them at the same time) so we are not to give him either for at least a month. WHAT A MESS! Not sure what to do about the formula thing as he isn't "allowed" to have cow's milk until at least one year (or at least thats what the doctor says) and I'm away from the house all day 3 days a week now and sometimes 5 if I work the weekend. With the way things have gone so far with Emmett's adventures into food testing, I don't think we should risk it! lol
Anyway, here is a video of my failed attempt to get Emmett to say "dad" on camera but he is so cute I just HAD to post it! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Emmett got to go to his first Browns game over the weekend. It was a great day! He even fell asleep for about 20 minutes despite the noise of the crowd. I was shocked that he sat with us without complaint for a little over an hour. I think he was mesmerized by all the people and noise.
Emmett's uncle Jon was here to visit over the weekend as well. They had a great time together! Jon is so animated with him and Emmett just eats it up. The boy it truly blessed with a great family.
Our little dare devil climbing the stairs and loving it.
Cruising in the Jeep while mom cooks dinner.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This is about thirty minutes into the keyboarding session and I think Emmett is getting sick of sharing. lol
These videos are from about a month and a half ago. I forgot all about them until today when Arron asked me about them. Emmett and Dustin really enjoy making noise together and a lot of times Arron likes to jump in and make noise too.

Emmett's new wheels! This little lion has given him a sense on independence and he is running with it, literally! lol

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sorry it's been so long since my last post! It's been a very busy, very crazy few weeks to say the least. So much has happened with Emmett lately. In one month he has perfected his crawling skills, started standing up on his own, and started pulling himself up onto toys, furniture and of course all of us. He has also, just today tried his chances with going up the steps. His progress is blowing my mind! I can't believe how much he is doing and he seems to be pretty fearless about it.
We were playing on the floor today as he started crawling toward the steps. I just watched and followed, thinking "theres noway he'll actually be able to do it on the first try." Sure enough, up one step then two steps.... he probably would have climbed to the top if I would have let him! And he is still a week away from being 7 months old!! Our little baby will be a walking toddler before we now it. :'(
Here are a few pictures and a video of Emmett's venture up the steps today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This series of photos not only demonstrates Emmett crawling but it also shows you just how short his attention span is! lol Enjoy!

I'm gonna get that camera, Daddy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This video was shot on June 9th, it shows Emmett doing the army crawl for the first time on camera. He's growing so fast and we are so proud of him! He'll be walking before we know it and then we'll really be in trouble.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Here are a couple pictures of the guys hanging out while we were in Southern Ohio. What a bunch of hams! tee hee

Monday, June 7, 2010

This video shows Emmett in the pool "swimming". I know they say that babies will instinctively do the "doggy paddle" but we like to think our baby is special and was actually practicing swimming. He was kicking his feet and swinging his arms like a pro! lol What a sweetie!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dustin, Arron and Jay out at the pond fishing.

Emmett had a great time too! Here are a few pictures I took of him by the pond.